miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Lecturas académicas para hacer un mejor periodismo deportivo

Hace unos días el prestigioso Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism publicó en su web un valioso e interesante listado de referencias bibliográficas sobre periodismo para periodistas. En dicha relación no figura, casualmente, ningún artículo ni libro referido a la aproximación que desde la Academia se viene haciendo al periodismo y a la comunicación en el ámbito del deporte desde hace lustros.

Como no es algo nuevo, incluimos aquí un listado similar al del Reuters Institute con el propósito principal, no de corregirlo ni enmendarlo, sino de completarlo, aportando numerosas publicaciones que, en forma de artículos académicos y de libros y manuales, han abordado uno de los campos de la especialización informativa de mayor impacto social.

Si bien es cierto que los estudios académicos sobre periodismo deportivo se hallan mucho más desarrollados en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Australia, no es menos verdad que en otros países europeos, entre ellos España, y en otros del arco latinoamericano, el periodismo deportivo atraviesa por un momento de sensibilización social al que la Universidad también aspira a contribuir con multitud de iniciativas de docencia e investigación.

Por todo ello, este listado, revisable y en permanente actualización, tiene como cometido ofrecer a estudiantes e investigadores interesados en periodismo deportivo lecturas valiosas encaminadas a profundizar en el estudio de la materia. Al mismo tiempo, se presenta como una lista de recursos útiles para aquellos profesionales interesados en mejorar la calidad de su trabajo periodístico.


Boyle, Raymond (2013). "Reflections on Communication and Sport. On Journalism and Digital Culture". Communication & Sport, vol. 1, 1-2: pp. 88-99

Boyle, Raymond (2017). "Sports Journalism. Changing journalism practice and digital media. Introduction". Digital Journalism, Vol. 5, pp. 493-495

Coche, Roxane (2015). "The Amount of Women’s Sports Coverage on International Sports News Websites’ Home Pages. Content Analysis of the Top Two Sites From Canada, France, Great Britain, and the United States". Electronic News, vol. 9, 4: pp. 223-241

Crouse, Karen (2013). "Why Female Athletes Remain on Sport’s Periphery". Communication & Sport, vol. 1, 3: pp. 237-240

English, Peter (2015). "Mapping the sports journalism field: Bourdieu and broadsheet newsrooms". Journalism, vol. 17, 8: pp. 1001-1017

English, Peter (2014). "Twitter’s diffusion in sports journalism: Role models, laggards and followers of the social media innovation". New Media & Society, vol. 18, 3: pp. 484-501

Franks, Suzzanne; O' Neill, Deyrdre (2014). "Women reporting sport: Still a man’s game?"
Journalism, vol. 17, 4: pp. 474-492

Hardin, M; Dodd, JE; Lauffer, K. (2006). "Passing it on: The reinforcement of male hegemony in sports journalism textbooks". Mass Communication & Society, Vol, 9, 4

Lowes, Mark: Robillard, Christopher (2018). "Social Media and Digital Breakage on the Sports Beat". International Journal of Sport Communication, vol 11, 3. pp.308-318

McCarthy, Brigid (2012). "Consuming sports media, producing sports media: An analysis of two fan sports blogospheres". International Review for the Sociology of Sport, vol. 48, 4: pp. 421-434

McEnnis, Simon (2018). "Toy department within the toy department? Online sports journalists and professional legitimacy". Journalism, Vol. 20, 11

McEnnis, Simon (2016). "Following the action. How live bloggers are reimagining the professional ideology of sports journalism". Journalism Practice, Vol. 10, 8, pp. 967-982

Nölleke, Daniel; Grimmer, Christoph G.; Horky, Thomas (2017). "News Sources and Follow-up Communication Facets of complementarity between sports journalism and social media". Journalism Practice, Vol. 11, 4, pp.  509-526

Oates, Thomas; Pauly, John (2007). "Sports journalism as moral and ethical discourse”. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 22(4): pp. 332–347.

Rojas Torrijos, José Luis; Ramon, Xavier (2018). "Accountable Sports Journalism: Creating a Gateway to Showcase Ethical Codes, Stylebooks, Ombudsmen and Beyond". Athens Journal of Sport, Vol. 5, 4

Rowe, David (2007). "Sports journalism. Still the `toy department' of the news media?". Journalism, vol. 8, 4: pp. 385-405

Schmidt, Hans C. (2013). "Women, Sports, and Journalism. Examining the Limited Role of Women in Student Newspaper Sports Reporting". Communication & Sport, vol. 1, 3: pp. 246-268

Schultz, Brad; Sheffer, Mary Lou (2010). "An Exploratory Study of How Twitter Is Affecting Sports Journalism". International Journal of Sport, Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 226-239

Tulloch, Christopher; Ramon, Xavier (2017). "Take Five: How Sports Illustrated and L’Équipe redefine the long-form sports journalism genre". Digital Journalism, Vol. 5, 5

Vogan, Travis; Dowling, David (2014). "Bill Simmons, Grantland.com, and ESPN’s corporate reinvention of literary sports writing online". Convergence, vol. 22, 1: pp. 18-34

Wanta, Wayne (2013). "Reflections on Communication and Sport On Reporting and Journalists". Communication & Sport, vol. 1, 1-2: pp. 76-87

Welch, David (2015). "Tensions in the Press Box. Understanding Relationships Among Sports Media and Source Organizations". Communication & Sport, vol. 4, 3: pp. 261-281

Weedon, Gavin; Wilson, Brian; Yoon, Liv; Lawson Shawna (2016). "Where’s all the ‘good’ sports journalism? Sports media research, the sociology of sport, and the question of quality sports reporting". International Review for the Sociology of Sport, vol. 53, 6: pp. 639-667

Wulfemeyer, K. Tim (1985). "Ethics in sports journalism: Tightening up the code". Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Vol. 1, 1, pp. 57-67

Monográficos en revistas académicas

Sports, Economy and Media: Sports 4.0 -The Virtual Reality of Sports
Athens Journal of Sports, Vol. 5, 4, 2018

Sports Journalism: ethical vacuum or ethical minefield?
Ethical Space. The International Journal of Communication Ethics, Vol. 15, 1/2, 2018
Institute of Communication Ethics. Londres (Reino Unido)

Legado comunicacional dos megaeventos esportivos
Revista Communicare, Vol 18, 1, 2018
Centro Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa da Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Sao Paulo (Brasil)

Sports Journalism: Changing Journalism Practice and Digital Media
Digital Journalism, 5, 2017
Taylor and Francis

Investigar el periodismo deportivo
Fonseca Journal of Communication, 10, 2015
Universidad de Salamanca

Desporto e Espetáculo
Revista Comunicaçao e Cultura, 13, 2013
Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Lisboa (Portugal)


Communication & Sport
Desde marzo de 2013

International Journal of Sport and Communication
Desde marzo de 2008


Andrews, Phil (2013). Sports Journalism. A Practical Introduction (Second Edition): Londres: Sage

Armfield, G., McGuire, J. y Earnheardt, A. (2019). ESPN and the Changing Media Sports Landscape. Nueva York/Berlín: Peter Lang.

Billings, Andrew C.; Butterworth, Michael L.; Turman, Paul D. (2014). Communication and Sport. Surveying the Field (Second Edition). Nueva York: Sage

Billings, Andrew C. (2014). Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media (ed.). Nueva York: Routledge

Billings, Andrew C.; Wenner, Lawrence A. (2017). Sport, media & mega-events. Nueva York: Routledge

Boyle, Raymond (2006). Sports Journalism: Context and Issues. Thousand Oaks: Sage

Boyle, Raymond; Haynes, Richard (2009). Power Play: Sport, the Media and Popular Culture. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press

Bradshaw, Tom; Minogue, Darah (2019). Sports Journalism. The State of Play. Abingdon: Routledge

Creedon, Pamela J. (1994). Women, media and sport. Challenging gender values. Thousand Oaks: Sage

Crolley, Liz; Hand, David (2002). Football, Europe, and the Press (Sport in the Global Society). Londres: Frank Cass

Farrington, Neil [et al.]. (2012). Race, racism and sports journalism. London: Routledge.

Fuller, Linda K. (2008). Sportscasters/sportscasting: principles and practices. Nueva York: Routledge

Gisondi, Joe (2017). Field Guide to Covering Sports (2nd edition). Washington: CQ Press

Hutchings, Brett; Rowe, David (2013). Sport Beyond Television. The Internet, Digital Media and the Rise of Networked Media Sport. Abingdon: Routledge

Kian, Edward; Clavio, Galen; Schultz, Bradley; y Sheffer, Mary Lou (2018). Multimedia Sports Journalism. A Practitioner’s Guide ofr The Digital Age. Nueva York: Oxford University Press

Lambert, Charles (2018). Digital Sports Journalism. Abingdon: Routledge

Marrero-Rivera, Omar (2011). Fundamentos del periodismo deportivo. San Juan: Terranova

Nicholson, Matthew (2007). Sport and the media: managing the nexus. Oxford: Elsevier

Pedersen, Paul M. (ed.) (2013). Routledge Handbook of Sport Communication. Nueva York: Routledge

Raney, Arthur A. ; Bryant, Jennings (2006). Handbook of Sports and Media. Nueva York: Routledge

Reinardy, Scott; Wanta, Wayne (2009). The Essentials of Sports Reporting and Writing. Nueva York: Routledge

Rojas Torrijos, José Luis (coord.) (2017). Periodismo Deportivo de Manual. Valencia: Tirant Humanidades

Rowe, David (2004). Sport, Culture and the Media (Second edition). Berkshire: Open University Press

Sanderson, Jimmy (2011). How Social Media is Changing Sports: Its a Whole New Ballgame. Nueva York: The Hampton Press

Schultz, Bradley (2012). Sports media: Reporting, producing, and planning. Waltham: Focal Press

Serazio, Michael (2019). The Power of Sports. Media and Spectacle in American Culture. Nueva York: New York University Press

Steen, Rob (2015). Sports Journalism. A Multimedia Primer. Abington: Routledge

Toney, James (2013): Sports Journalism. The Inside Track. Londres: Bloomsbury

Wenner, Lawrence A. (1989). Media, sports, and society. Thousand Oaks: Sage

(última actualización del post: 19 de diciembre de 2019)

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